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With almost 15 years’ experience working with and in China, and eight years as CEO of Sinogie, Bruce McLaughlin has a wealth of knowledge about doing business in China, and is regularly consulted by newspapers, radio stations and television broadcasters about issues such as foreign investment, product quality, and Chinese government procurement. 


We can’t include every mention of Sinogie here, but a few key articles are set out below. 


Pitfalls to avoid in foreign investment


Stories in this section mainly concern the mistakes that foreign companies make when doing business in China, and how these simple mistakes can be avoided. 


Bank On China’s Future

Australian Financial Review, November 19, 2001

(Article on China’s accession to the World Trade Organisation – Bruce comments on the mistakes foreign investors make.)


“Everything’s opaque if you’ve got your eyes shut”

Asiamoney, December 2001 / January 2002

(Profile of Bruce and background on Sinogie; Bruce discusses classic mistakes foreigners make due to a lack of research.)


“There’s no need to go in blind”

In-house Briefing, July-August 2002

(Background information on how to weed out dishonest business partners.)


Protecting yourself in China: stories from the front line

Australia-China Business Council, 7 May 2009

(Bruce gave a presentation to ACBC members on the pitfalls of doing business in China and how to avoid them.)


Intellectual property protection


So where are all the fake Olympic goods?

Dow Jones Marketwatch (Bruce McLaughlin’s column), 28 May 2008

(Bruce explains how Chinese protection of Olympic trademarks demonstrates that it is possible to combat counterfeiting in China.)


China’s dairy and baby-formula scandal


Stories in this section concern the scandal of melamine-contaminated infant formula and other dairy products.  Bruce discusses Sinogie’s survey on the effects of the scandal on Chinese consumer attitudes to domestic and foreign food; the mistakes made by Fonterra in its investment in Sanlu; the handling of the case by the companies involved; and problems with the structure of the Chinese dairy industry. 


Yili, Bright Dairy Fall on Concern Over Tainted Milk

Bloomberg, 16 September 2008


Dairy industry takes a fatal beating

China Daily, 22 September 2008


China milk scandal: WHO makes accusations as poisoning spreads

Daily Telegraph (UK), 26 September 2008


Chinese mistrust NZ food

Dominion Post / Business Day (New Zealand), 29 September 2008


Tainted Milk Crisis Hits More Global Companies

Associated Press, 27 September 2008

(Carried in publications including the Economic Times (India), ABC (US), the San Francisco Chronicle, The Economist Intelligence Unit,  the China Post (Taiwan), the New York Times, Salon, the Guardian and elsewhere).


Chinese wary of NZ dairy goods after poisonings

New Zealand Herald, 30 September 2008


Consumers losing faith in New Zealand’s products

Food Magazine (Australia), 30 September 2008


Fonterra quiet on Sanlu merger

Dominion Post (New Zealand), 1 October 2008


Scandal will turn milk sour - for a time

New Zealand Herald, 6 October 2008


China's milk scandal is still reverberating

Dow Jones Marketwatch (Bruce McLaughlin’s column), 21 October 2008


Dairy scandal creates opportunities

Food Magazine (Australia), 17 November 2008


An opportunity in China’s dairy industry

American Public Media / NPR (radio broadcast – streaming audio and full text), 27 February 2009


Product quality, food contamination and outsourcing


Stories in this section mainly concern the problems that foreign companies can make when outsourcing manufacturing to Chinese OEMs, and outlines the precautions brand owners should take. 


The ‘Made in China’ fallout

CNBC,17 August 2007

(Bruce discusses the series of scandals concerning contaminated food in China and dangerous toys and other goods exported from China, and the effect on Chinese and international consumers.)


China not to blame in recalls

CNBC, 12 September 2007

(Bruce discusses scandals including the Mattel lead-paint news, and explains that brand owners need to take responsibility when outsourcing manufacturing.)


Starbucks Won't Halt China-Made Products After Recall

Bloomberg, 10 October 2007

(also appeared in and elsewhere.)

(Bruce comments on Starbucks recalling faulty Chinese cups.)


Trouble in China’s toy industry

China Daily, 22 December 2008

(Bruce comments on the causes behind faults in Chinese-made toys.)


Food safety an issue within China as well; major brands to benefit from food safety scares in China.

Dow Jones Marketwatch (Bruce McLaughlin’s column), 14 April 2008

(Bruce explains how well-known domestic and foreign brands could benefit from a lack of confidence in local food in China.)


Chinese government procurement and China Tender Bulletin


Keying on in China's stimulus

Dow Jones Marketwatch (Bruce McLaughlin’s column), 9 April 2009

(Bruce outlines the effect of the Chinese government stimulus package on local government procurement, and highlights opportunities for foreign firms.)


Chinese Provinces Still Buy Foreign After Order to ‘Buy China’

Bloomberg, 24 June 2009

(Also appeared in The China Post, Business Times Singapore and elsewhere)

(Bruce discusses the Chinese government’s “Buy China” directive, and explains how its impact on foreign firms selling to Chinese government entities will be minimal.)



Corruption, State secrets, and the risks of doing business in China


Rudd Scrambles to Limit Australia-China Rift Over Rio Detention

Bloomberg, 10 July 2009

(Bruce comments on the likely impact of the arrest of Rio Tinto executive Stern Hu on Australia-China relations.)


Weighing the impact of the Rio Tinto arrests

Dow Jones Marketwatch (Bruce McLaughlin’s column), 14 July 2009

(Bruce comments on two of the key issues allegedly relating to Stern Hu’s arrest: State secrecy and corruption.)


Foreign companies think bribery works in China

Streaming audio             mp3 download

The World Today, ABC Radio, 24 July 2009

(Bruce comments on some foreign companies’ willingness to engage in corruption, and the problems that this can create.)


Western companies told to clean up their act in China

Streaming audio             mp3 download

PM, ABC Radio, 24 July 2009

(Bruce describes a case in which Sinogie and a client overcame the obstacles presented by a corrupt local official.) 


Chinese investment in Australia


CSR's sugar assets and Asian demand attract global players

The Australian, 15 January 2010

(Bruce explains that Shanghai Bright’s US$ 1.5 billion approach to buy CSR’s sugar and renewable energy operation heralds a new era of Chinese investment in Australia.)


What Australia can gain from China's buying spree

Dow Jones Marketwatch (Bruce McLaughlin’s column),

22 January 2010)

(Bruce tells the story of Chinese investment in Australia so far, and predicts how this will develop.)


Seeking Sino-synergies in Australia

Dow Jones Marketwatch (Bruce McLaughlin’s column),

20 April 2010)

(Bruce describes further developments in Chinese investment in Australia, and explains why Australian companies are looking for Chinese investment.)









For more information on how Sinogie’s services can help your business in China, please e-mail us,

or call our Sydney sales office on

+61 2 8705 5435.
