
Company searches







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Company searches

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Hong Kong

Mainland China




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When going into business in a new market, it’s often essential to work with a local partner.  But how can you be sure that your partner is everything it claims to be?  Can it do everything it claims it can do to help you succeed in your new market?  Or will its managers run away with your investment?


When entering a new market and going into business with an unfamiliar partner, there is always a risk that the local partner may be dishonest or incompetent.  Stories abound of foreign investors, especially in China, going into business with “companies” that did not exist, and finding out their mistake only after their local partners had disappeared with their money. 


More commonly, potential business partners exaggerate their strength and their abilities.  Many foreign investors have gone into business with local partners only to find that the partners don’t have the licences they need to enter into their proposed deal; they don’t have the resources to fulfil their obligations; they are in financial trouble; or the people who claimed to be fronting the deal were not in a position to make promises on behalf of the company. 


Foreign investors seeking acquisition targets can make the same mistakes, wasting money on the purchase of companies which cannot add anything to their operations. 


Investors can avoid these mistakes by checking the background of their potential business partners before making their investments.  But many investors fail to make even the most basic checks.



Foreigners investing in Asia, and especially in China, seem to think that it is difficult, expensive or impossible to find any information on the company’s structure, ownership, operations, reputation, or anything else.  However, Sinogie can provide you with the information you need.


Our company searches can also help you identify and take action against companies which are infringing your intellectual property.



Sinogie’s company searches can help


Sinogie’s company searches can give you the peace of mind you need to enter into deals with local partners.


In Hong Kong, Mainland China, Singapore and Malaysia, we offer both tailor-made and standard off-the-shelf reports, each designed to suit your needs for information and your budget restrictions.  Our off-the-shelf reports contain basic information available from local company registration authorities, while tailor-made reports can contain information on any issues of concern to you.


In other countries and regions, we offer tailor-made company searches ranging from basic registration information up to full company reports.



Basic company searches


Basic, off-the-shelf company searches are available in Hong Kong, Mainland China, Singapore and Malaysia.  The information contained in the reports comes from local registration authorities and other government organisations. 


A basic report can allow you to ensure that a company actually exists, and can provide you with key information on shareholders, directors.  In some jurisdictions, basic company reports can also give you access to limited financial information on the target company.


To find out more about our basic company searches, click here.


Our Mainland China Mini Reports can give you access to basic information on the company extremely quickly.  You can find out more about our Mainland China Mini Reports through our basic company search page.



In-depth company searches


Sinogie can prepare tailor-made company searches addressing the exact issues that concern you.  Every company search is different, but typically we address questions such as the following:




What is the target company’s market position?


What is its reputation among its customers and competitors?


Does it have the connections with the government and with other organisations that it claims to have?


Does the company have permission from the relevant authorities to enter into the deal you are planning?


Is the company in financial trouble?


Does it have the capabilities – the distribution network, the manufacturing capacity, etc – to live up to its promises?


Every tailor-made report is different, and each is a different price.  Prices typically range between US$ 1,000 and US$ 10,000, depending on the size of the target company and the information required.


Tailor-made company searches are available for target companies in the following countries and regions.





 Hong Kong









South Korea




For more information on how Sinogie’s company search services can help your business,

please e-mail us,

or call our Sydney sales office on

+61 2 8705 5435.